
Central 301 Engineering Students Experience the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS)

The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), the largest and longest-running manufacturing technology trade show in the United States, was held September 9–14, at McCormick Place in Chicago. This biennial event is a premier opportunity for industry leaders to explore cutting-edge innovations, engage in professional networking, and participate in a variety of educational workshops.

GCAMP Grant Funds Robotic Arm for Classroom

Hampshire High School teacher, Jonathan Weger, knew the right steps to take to make a huge impact with his students this year – give students knowledge, combine it with hands-on experiences, apply it to real-world scenarios, and watch the learning grow. 


GCAMP Supports Wildstangs with a Grant

GCAMP was thrilled to offer a grant to our friends from High School District 214, the Wildstang Robotics Program.  The Wildstang Robotics Program is made of up two FRC (First Robotics Competition) teams: Team 111 Wildstang and Team 112 Plus One.  Comprising these teams for the 2022-2023 school year were 72 high-school students dedicated to bringing STEM to life. 

Categories: Students Robotics Grants