Apply for a GCAMP Grant

Accepting Applications Aug 1 - Sept 30

Manufacturing Month — It's Right Around the Corner

October is Manufacturing Month.

October has been declared in the State of Illinois as Manufacturing Month, with the first Friday in October (October 7th this year), as Manufacturing Day. There is no better way to participate than to open your doors to students and schools in your local area. Show them what makes your company great and give them a reason to choose manufacturing as their career pathway. Get the students interested.

Join the VIA and GCAMP in celebrating what makes our industry great! Working with our area EFE Directors (Education for Employment), we are scheduling tours with VALEES in the Waubonsee Community College District on Friday, October 14th, watch for an email coming soon from VALEES, as well as GCAMP and the VIA.

We will also be scheduling tours with Terri Stroh, EFE Director for Northern Kane County and Elgin Community College District tentatively being scheduled for Thursday, October 27th more information and emails will be coming soon.

Want to know more about hosting a middle or high school student tour? Contact us at or send us a message for more information and assistance.

Categories: Events